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Satisfying Monday reset ✅ It’s time for the weekly full house reset - I’ve got my visual timer set for 30 minutes to keep me focused & I’m off like lightening ⚡️ When the house is a mess, so is my mind so these reset routines work for me on a Monday straight after the school run, before I start work. This is not about having a perfectly clean house, it’s about putting the place back in some sort of order to make things run more smoothly; for me today, that’s dinner & bedtime when the boys are knackered after a busy day at school. So when I don’t have the time to spend all day tidying and although this means a full on workout, it does mean everything is sorted within a short period of time and I can get on with the rest of my day. Please DO NOT compare!! Remember it’s not a competition, just get as much as YOU can get done within the time frame you have available. This video is solely for inspiration & motivation ♥️ Will you give this reset method against the clock a go?
Satisfying Monday reset ✅ It’s time for the weekly full house ...